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Timeless at Koko preview with Northern Heroes D&G - Daley & Garbo!

Reported by benz / Submitted 16-03-05 00:48

As time goes on, it seems that what was once a rather noticeable gap between the Northern and Southern hard dance scenes rapidly closing up. London DJs are playing out more up north, and hot new talents from the North have been spinning in the capital's clubs with increasing frequency in the last couple of years. Haven't you noticed the increasing amount of Northerners on this site in recent times? What was once almost purely a London site has really started to grow in recent times to attract like-minded nutbars from across our fair island. Such an expanding of the hard dance community can only be a good thing really! Two such bright-burning Northern talents are Daley and Garbo, residents at Coalville's long-running hard dancery Storm.

As you will read below, there's is a somewhat of a hard dance fairy tale. Daley takes the tried and tested route of rising up the DJ ranks over the years in the Midlands, culminating in a residency at Storm, with Garbo religiously attending and dreaming of getting up in the booth at his favourite club. Just a couple of years later, and the two are best of mates, destroying dancefloors up and down the country with back-to-back sets as well as solo sets. Their style is pure hard house - from total filth to classic bounce and all inbetween.

D & G will be playing at the magnificent Koko for Timeless on Easter Sunday, 26th March - still only the 3rd or so time they will have appeared together in the capital. Judging by the success of their recent bouncefest of a set at Peach National Anthems, this set is sure to be absolute dynamite as well. You'd be well advised to check out why these guys are among a handful of DJs from oop norf who have caught the attention of promoters in our city, and with the rest of the line-up as strong as it is, how could you miss it?

Afternoon guys, would you be so kind as to introduce yourselves to our mostly Southern audience who may not know who you are?

D – I’m Daley and I’m an alcoholic.

G - I'm Garbo, the good looking one.

How long have you guys been DJing for and when did you meet? Have you always played hard stuff or did you start somewhere else?

D – I’ve been DJing for about 9 years. I managed to blag some decks for Christmas when I was 13, so I’ve been at it ever since. I used to be well into hardcore back then, the first record I ever bought was some crazy ass Dutch gabber. It was only when I started going trance and hard house (if you can call it that) clubbing in 1998 that I realized that was my vibe. Still have a soft spot for some industrial gabber though. I met Garbo probably about 18 months ago in Storm. I was resident at the time and he was a clubber trying to get a break into DJing.

G - I started mixing about 3 years ago, but was playing trance originally. My love for the hard stuff grew from there really!

How did you both break into the scene? Skill, luck, determination, mates, or a combination of all of them?

D - I started playing out in local clubs when I was 17, playing Progress tour nights in the Midlands. The club I was resident at got closed down though a year or so later, and it was a massive shot in the face for me. I didn’t play out again for about another 2 years. When my sort of “proper” break came, it was from filling in at the last minute at Storm one rainy November day in 2002.

G - I played a few times at Frisky in Northampton, and one night I played in full drag. Nick Lunn was promoting Storm at the time, heard about my set, and asked me to come and play for him. We did a load of back-to-backs together, and the rest as they say, is history!

How would you describe yourselves personality-wise? Are you just another pair of run-of-the-mill ker-azee Northern hard dance monkeys? Razz Wink

D - Garbo is just a c*nt hahaha. Yeah I think we’re a bit crazy. The vibe at Storm and the Storm regulars are just all a bit insane anyway, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary when we’re playing there. You do get some funny looks when you’re playing out and about though when the madness kicks off. We’re just both up for a laugh and I think that comes across in our performances.

G - I'm definately a party animal. I'm always the last to leave afterparties for example. It just gets out of hand - I'll drive up to wherever we are going clubbing with my mates, and end up getting the train back on my own 'cos I've been given the offer of going to a crack-on with some randoms! I just don't know when to stop! I always feel like if I leave or go to sleep or whatever I might miss something!


Have you been playing back-to-back for a while or is it a recent development? Have you played back-to-backs with DJs whose styles you felt didn’t mesh with your own very well?

D - We’ve only been playing back to back quite recently, since Garbo came on board as a resident really. It started as something we wanted to do for the Storm crowds but the feedback was good so we’ve started to do more of it now. We are both keen to still do our own thing though and not get labelled as a back-to-back act. I’ve played quite a lot of back-to-backs, with the likes of Casper and JP and Jukesy. To be honest I’ve never really had a bad back-to-back experience, if it was someone I didn’t feel comfortable playing with I wouldn’t do it. Simple as that.

G - It's only really in London that we've been booked as a duo. We're usually just playing separately to be honest. But it definately works well - we know each other's styles inside out so we always work well together.

As you say, you guys are residents at the legendary Storm in Coalville - how did you achieve this prestigious regular slot? Could you tell us a bit more about the club? Musical policy, crowd, that sort of thing...

D – Storm is amazing. I used to go clubbing there all the time anyway before I played there. I was a regular on the old Storm forum and used to broadcast on an internet radio station. Adz (of ‘More Drugs’ fame) was a moderator on the site and good friends with Nick Lunn who was promoting Storm at the time. He liked what he heard but I didn’t think anything of it as you wouldn’t, until a couple of days later he told me to expect a call from Nick because one of the acts had cancelled. I filled in that Saturday playing hardcore classics and the response was amazing. I managed to blag a main room hard house set and was resident by January 2003.

I love Storm so much - it’s got something that most other clubs haven’t got these days. Hard house clubbers generally speaking aren’t that loyal, they will go here, there and everywhere in search of something new or a big line up – whereas you can see the same old faces at Storm every month and have a proper laugh.

G - The crowd at Storm is second to none. They really make the night. I get the piss taken out of me there now 'cos I used to go in full on cyber back when I was just a clubber there!

Daley - on the production front you’ve been churning out some great stuff... filthier-than-thou tracks such as the hilarious ‘Trance Off!’ and ‘Slutf*cker’. When did you start producing and who has helped you along the way?

D - I started producing about two years ago now. I had really strong ideas for tracks but I didn’t have the technical knowledge to turn them into reality. I was playing in Nottingham one night and got speaking to Alex Calver. He’d had a few releases on 12” Thumpers but not really done much else and I was looking for someone to engineer a track for me so we hooked up.

First track I made was ‘Deformed’ which went on to do really well on Flashpoint. Because of the success of that track I went back in with Alex a few more times for ‘Trance Off’, ‘More Drugs’, ‘Go Bezerk’ and more recently – ‘Slutf*cker’. I learnt so much from being in with him - he is a master at work behind the PC screen. I also did a couple of tracks with Tik Tok AKA Jamie Taylor who is a proper whizzkid and will blow up this year. Was a good experience to learn from these guys.

What have you got forthcoming? Are you going to be keeping it filthy or have you other plans for future material?

D - Well I’ve recently started engineering my own material so hopefully now I can be a bit more experimental. I still have a lot of fresh ideas so whenever I have a spare couple of hours I will sit down and work on something. I’ve done about 3 tracks so far which have been engineered by myself, with hopefully many more to come. I’ve done a bit of a cheeky remix which will be appearing very soon. I’m quite keen to make music across the board, and I’m due to go in the studio with JP and Jukesy soon to work on a bounce track as I’m keen to get involved in the revival! I will still be churning out some nasty stuff though. I’ve done one called ‘Caveman’ which is ridiculously hard, just how I like it. Obviously ‘Slutf*cker’ is imminent, ‘Indian Summer’, ‘Faggots’ and ‘Posers’ shouldn’t be far behind.


Garbo, have you released any tracks yet or are you working on anything at the moment?

G - I have started on one, but for the moment DJing comes first. I don't want production to get in the way right now. I really want to see how far I can take the DJing without focusing on producing. Daley's the music-maker for the moment!

You guys are playing back-to-back at Timeless at Koko in London on March 27th - Easter Sunday no less! Did you guys ever go to Camden Palace back in the day and have you been since the magnificent refurb?

D – No I’ve never been to Camden Palace. I have heard amazing things about the place, so I can’t wait to get in there and sample the atmosphere. Saying that though, I’ve still only ever been to London a handful of times, I get a nosebleed if I go further south than Leicester.

G - I've been since its Koko, and when I walked in there I just fell totally in love with the venue. What a club! Frantic put on the some of the best events around, and combined with that place, you've got a definite recipie for success.

Timeless is of course a 100% classics night. What one tune in particular are you both particularly looking forward to rinsing out?

D - I acquired a particularly tasty bootleg the other day called ‘Scouse House Volume 1’. Bouncier than Jordan’s funbags, it sounds terribly chavvy and crap from the title but it’s a top track and will go off big time.

G - K90's ‘Red Snapper’, absolute classic London tune! I've got fond memories of K90 playing it at Storm on NYE.

Are either of you going to be giving up anything for Lent?

D – Not at all, life is too much fun.

G - Giving up things!

Am I correct in thinking that you have only played in London a handful of times so far? Your classic hard house set at Peach the other week went down a storm.... some ridiculously good bounce there lads!

D – Yeah I played at Wildchild in February 2003, then for a night at the Purple Turtle in August. But other than that Wildchild February 2004 and Peach have been the only instances so far. Got a few more coming up over the next couple of months though, so I’m looking forward to seeing more of the big smoke.

G - I played at Therapy recently. It was my London debut and absolutely wicked, it couldn't have gone any better.

Garbo, my spies tell me that you are regularly seen standing at the side of the dancefloor holding not 1, but 2 drinks in your hands. Is there’s something you’d like to share with us? Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting over it...

D – Hahaha, I think it’s fair to say we both like a good drink…

G - No comment.

And finally, is there a tune that either of you have that you’ve always wanted to play but don’t think the crowd would get it or warm to it particularly?

D – I keep threatening to play Nalin and Kane – ‘Beachball’ (Tall Paul remix). I think it would go down well, just not found the right moment yet.

G - Ooh there's a few... this guy sent me a tune which is a bounce bootleg called ‘McHammer Time’, basically a bouncy version of ‘Can't Touch This’! It's too fucking cheesy to play in a club though, possibly an afterparty tune!

Photos used with permission of Vince @ E-ListLondon
Bookings contact Vince @ Realworld – 07835626226

Timeless: The 4th Birthday
Send an eFlyer for this event to a friend Include this Event in a Private Message Direct link to this Event
On: Sunday 27th March 2005
At: KOKO [map]

From: 21.00-06.00
Cost: Limited Early Bird Tickets £14+BF Saver Tickets are £17+BF Standard Tickets are £20+BF
Ticket Info: Call 08700 600 100/
Call 07949 618 035/
More: Timeless
The 4th Birthday
Easter Sunday 27th March 2005
Koko Club/ Camden Palace
Nearest Tube: Camden Town / Mornington Crescent

The Koko Club management have given Frantic 100% written confirmation that we can return to what we believe is the UK's greatest venue and our beloved home!

This is the ONE and ONLY underground dance event currently booked into this Palace of Dreams. At present there are NO other clubs booked to use the venue, only live bands and we have no more Frantic dates booked at the venue. This is your ONE and ONLY chance to have it right off in the Palace!!

Out of all the events Frantic run we thought it best that we use our only date at the Palace for a massive 4th Birthday Bash for the UK's biggest Hard House and Trance Classics event, Timeless. For 9 short hours the Palace will ring to the sound of classic after classic, anthem after anthem; tune after tune as we go back in time to the glory days of Frantic at the Camden Palace!

Not only will we be taking you back home where we belong for one night but we will also be taking u back to the music.

To celebrate the 4th Birthday Timeless have put together a line up of the DJs that have helped make Hard House great, playing the tunes that made them heroes to a generation.
Region: London
Music: Trance. Hard Trance. Hard House.
DJ's: Main Room:
Lisa Pinup
The Tidy Boys
Rob Tissera
Paul Glazby
Ed Real
Andy Whitby
Justin Bourne
Cally Gage

Room 2:
Ben Stevens
Garbo B2B Daley
Lucy Fur
Future Sound of Elvis B2B Latex Zebra
Steve Maynard

Who's Going? (173) : ChrisKnight, !CyberMatt!, *charlie*!, *cheeky chick*, *cheeky chick*, *GARBO*, *VaNeSsA*, a_stray, Aga, ajay, anders, andreas, andthensome, aninha, Anthem fairy, arhino112, Asp525, Attack Of The Jowlyhound, BeBe, Ben_and_Shelly, bennett, bennioso, benz, BioVolt, bobbyb, Boy_Racer, Breezercat, budha, bunnykins230, Cally Gage, ClubCasualty, Col B, Colliewobbles, Craig Paxton, crazyclubber66, Daf, Dani T, DanJ, Dark Knight, Davey_Boy, Dean0, DIRTYBITCH, DiscoBiscuits, dizzy*bird, Dommy_Love, dori, Edcase, eduardo herrera, El Capitano Pete, em83, emmahardware, F.I.G.J.A.M, Fia the Great, Fitty_Bag, Frantic Amanda, frantic fan, Franticclubber, Future Sound of Elvis, Ghost_dog, glitter_babe, GMReq, Hard House Lady, Hardcore honey!!, hardhousespongebob, Harry PT, Holly-Ann, huggy_bear, jack micheals[J]KNERCIS, Jailson, jenblake, Jessica Alici, Jumpingrandma julie, kevstera_straymonkey_chopsmurraybeetle, Kiko, kimba_lee, klubkid, kojak, littleraver, Lizzyglowworm, LooSqueezer, Lorenzo Barrero, Lozz, Lucy Fur, Luisika, M.D.A, m@ria, madjojo, marcopilf, Maria, MarkyMark, Matt Church, mental-tessy, milenka, milenkaanalyse, miniclubber, Mira G, Miss Pacman, missfoxypants, Monkey Monkeyson, Moonpatrol, Moysey, MR BANG!, Mr_Sniffles, MrBIG, Neil Farnham, Neil Farnham, Nic_Ola, Nicky Hype, Nixx, nuttony, Opssmitch, p.s., pac-man, Paul Divine, Paul Divine, paul jack, Phil rr, philip linley, Pirka, PirkaMadDog, pj009, Playjohn, polly, RafieG, Rainey, Raj, ravin_player, raving.looney, raving_pixie, Red5, Richard Launch, richbowenuk, Riff and Raff, rogerbj, Saint., SaraS, Sazza777, sexybeckyraver, shelldyke, shelley, Skanky Ho, slutrider, slutriderfroggypeachermimidj shimmerzero tolerance ben, Sonic_chick_Sardoz9, SonikBloo, Sooze, Steve Maynard, stutheflyer, Sue Stripey, tall_tidy_girl, Taty, TheProphet, tidy_known, tinkerbell@play, Toomz, Trance Timmy, Type 1, Uncle John, Uni-Gate, Uni-GateCurruscu, upallnight, vicious, violetskin, Wiggii, WildFruit, Will Frantic, x-ray, x-raymace, Zero Tolerance, ziubas, ~deleted1390, ~deleted5662, ~deleted9412 
HF Photographer: Daf HF Reviewer:

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The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: Danny Luu on 16th Mar 2005 08:55.25
Garbo you SLAG! See you at HHH!

From: chrishawkes on 16th Mar 2005 09:29.39
Go on boys! world domination next!

From: Steve Gillen on 16th Mar 2005 17:22.50
Good stuff lads! great interview. Sounds like it is going well for ya.

From: benz on 17th Mar 2005 11:51.14

From: Monkey Monkeyson on 18th Mar 2005 07:13.00
allrrrriiggghhttt messssaaaaaaaaaiiirrrrrrr

From: Will Frantic on 18th Mar 2005 14:28.10
From seeing these guys at Wildchild I was hooked! They are definately up there as some of the most exciting young DJS out there!

From: Cally Gage on 19th Mar 2005 17:41.05
Nice interview guys, looking forward to seeing you both at Timeless - its going to be ace.


From: *Ting* on 22nd Mar 2005 12:52.38
Wicked guys! So i get to see you twice in one weekend! Lucky me! Mmmwwah! Looking forward to both Storm on Friday and Timeless on Sunday (I am playing, just not listed here)

From: JP and Jukesy on 22nd Mar 2005 20:57.50
Top lads!!!!!

Daley is my hero and garbo is my bitch

Keep up the good work guys!!

From: crazyclubber66 on 26th Mar 2005 19:44.56
"daley and garbo, are the ones to watch out for in 2005"

for information and bookings email

From: Uni-Gate on 29th Mar 2005 19:29.32
Fan f***ing fanatastic!!!! I haven't been to a party like this in years.....big up to Frantic, the DJs, promoters and all involved to making it such a huge success...

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