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Trance Generation Preview: Corderoy Interview

Reported by Gary Ramsden / Submitted 27-09-04 22:58

If the Trance-Olympics were held in London this summer, then collecting gold medals you’d find CORDEROY, the production duo responsible for two of this year’s biggest anthems “Sweetest Dreams” and “Deeper”. Soon to make their London debut at TRANCE GENERATION on the 8th October alongside SCOTT BOND and MATT HARDWICK, "Ehren Stowers" caught up with them to uncover the secrets to their success.

With the sheer volume of records produced these days now on a variety of dj friendly formats, creating a track that stands head and shoulders above all the others is harder than ever. But with their credible sound of trance exquisitely blended with strong melody, Corderoy are clearly setting the pace that many strive to follow. In a production tinted interview, we caught up with brothers Dale and Chris to ask them, just how they do it !

You both stormed into the dance scene with the arrival of the ‘modern-day’ Trance classic, ‘Sweetest Dreams’ in 2002. What inspired you to form ‘Corderoy’?

Dale- On and off we’ve played together in numerous bands all our lives, mostly of the rock/funk variety. Both of us have always had a passion for music, especially electronic

Chris – We both went through education at different times which took us down different paths, we ended up in locations miles away from each other for many years preventing us from really working together. I was already based in London, Dale had originally starting producing in Leicester, but when he moved to London and the band was officially formed.

You mentioned that your both extremely multi-talented musically, what other instruments do play?

Dale - Well…this is a hot secret but Chris can play the triangle up to symphony standard

Chris – Yeah that’s one of my fall back careers! We both play a number of instruments between us, both play drums and percussion. Dale’s main instrument is the piano and I play guitar and bass. We both try to sing also!!

How long had you been producing together before ‘Sweetest Dreams’, and has Trance always been the focus of your output?

Chris - Sweetest Dreams was the first commercial release from Corderoy, we both had written numerous tracks before this, my background in writing was more live band orientated, though I’d always been involved in the trance scene regularly DJ on a local scale.

Dale – Like Chris my background in writing was more live band orientated stuff, but university was when I first got interest in writing electronic music. Being a student having little cash and crap equipment I began to muster up some early material (Sadly though most of it when actually burnt to a CD was only useful as coffee coasters or late night street Frisbee’s!) but you have to start somewhere.

Out of all the musical genres that you have the choice to work on, what is it about Trance that motivates and inspires you?

Dale – Trance has always been a motivator for me as I really find it really delivers something different, it’s always evolving and changing. But I feel music as a whole effects me like this.

Chris – Yeah I think music as a whole really motivates and inspires us, it’s the power of a universal language that everyone can relate to that really makes it special.

So how were you first introduced to it?

Dale – From a very early age we were both subjected to a massive range of musical styles, our dad was an avid record collector and gave us the opportunity to experience music that not many kids of our age were listening to.

Chris – His tastes were so across the board that it really opened our eyes to new forms of music, having listened to early electronic tracks in the eighties when trance began to develop more and more in the 90’s it was a natural progression for us.

When Sweetest Dreams first hit the dance floors, there was an extremely long wait before the track received an official release. Personally, I favour this approach as it helps build interest, but what was behind the unusually long wait? How long do you prefer to hold off on tracks from promo, to official release?

Dale – I agree that a delayed release helps build interest, but there is always fine line where too long of a wait can actually do more harm than good.

Chris – Plus also with the internet today, having such a long wait can lead to piracy as people are wanting to get hold of the track, so it ends up being downloaded. Though this is starting to change with the introduction of legal digital downloads. I don’t buy the fact that many people will buy the vinyl after downloading it, I think good short promotion with a quick release is a key to gaining maximum sales in todays market.

How many labels did you send ‘Sweetest Dreams’ to, before it was snapped up by ‘Relative Records’, and how did Greg Murray & Ferry Corsten become involved as ‘remixers’?

Dale - Originally the track was pressed by Plastic fantastic as a winner of a Lynx white-label competition, after the promo’s went out around the buzz around the track was resulting in huge label interest, seeing the potential Graham Gold got in first and snapped it up for his new Relative Records label.

Chris - To add to the package a remix was provided by up and coming producer Greg Murray who contacted us about the track. As it continued to receive massive airplay on radio and in clubs Ferry Corsten heard the track and got in touch with Graham and requested that he really loved the track and wanted to remix it himself.

Dale - Which then established the worldwide release, with Purple Eye.

Your follow up to ‘Sweetest Dreams’ entitled ‘Deeper’ was well worth the wait. The track sounds like it has been given a lot of thought, care and attention- how long did you spend on this track before you were completely happy with it?

Dale – I like to think we put a lot of emotion into the tracks that we produce, the initial writing and production time on Deeper actually wasn’t too long, when things are going well in the studio writing songs can take less than a day or even a few hours to write. But it’s getting the final mix just right that takes the time! That’s the hard part.

Chris - The vocal on this track was the most time consuming thing to do, the instrumental had a lot of energy and we didn’t want to loose that, more so capture it within the vocal. Overall I’d say we were very happy with the out come.

Judge Jules, Scott Bond and many many others have given ‘Deeper’ huge support- what have you felt with the big reaction this track received, both on Radio1 and the dancefloor, and with DJ’s alike?

Chris - It’s fantastic, we really couldn’t have asked for more!

Dale - Yeah definitely, Jules especially, he really championed it. 9 weeks of airplay on Radio 1 was more than we could ask for.

Your next big tune, (a stunning remix of) – Aaron Taylor “Let you go”, has tested extremely well on the dance floor- creating much hype where-ever it’s played. It has subsequently been snapped up by Scott Bond’s label ‘Made in England’. How did this remix project come about?

Chris – Well Aaron approached us with the track, it was in a very early stage of development. Our approach to this was different than most remixes, pretty much worked with the vocal alone and created the remix of the back of it.

Dale – The original track was based in a major key, which gave it a more melodic feel. We thought it could do with a bit more aggression and menace so we only used the vocal line, then re-worked a new chord progression and layout.

Any new tracks you are currently working on? What project/s have the potential to be huge?

Chris – We’re trying out a lot of different things at the moment, as our backgrounds are playing live instruments we are experimenting with more live sounds within our productions. Don’t think we can ever produce a filler track, they always end up being anthems.

Dale – Well its difficult to say which tracks or projects have the potential to be huge, however quite a few projects are giving us the shivers when listening back, so that’s a early indicator that they could be special when released.

Has there been any one experience since the release of ‘Sweetest Dreams’ where you have had to pinch yourself (& remind yourself it’s not a dream!) ?

Dale – Going to some chart playing cheesy club with old friends and the DJ dropped Sweetest Dreams in between Ian Van Dahl and DJ Sammy! A very odd moment.

Chris – Driving back from town, just by chance turning the radio on to find Deeper had won the web chart vote on Jules’s show on radio 1, nearly crashed.

If you could not be involved with music, what would you do instead?

Dale – Most probably a Porn Star!

Chris - Chris - Yep me too, though of course not with Dale!

Dale - Well life wouldn’t be worth living really with out music, but if I had to then sport.

Chris – Nope still a Porn Star for me J

As well as being well known producers, at Trance Generation on Friday 8th October we see you’re making you’re London djing debut.
How long have you been DJing for, and what came first- DJing or Producing?

Dale – Before producing dance, DJing was and still is a massive passion of mine and is what really got me into writing electronic music.

Chris – Same for me, DJing was and still holds a real energy for me.

What approach do you take to your DJ sets, musically?

Dale – Hum, to be honest we try to be as innovative as possible. I don’t believe in planning an entire set before the gig, but it’s good to have an idea of what will work in the venue your playing at.

Chris – Yeah, there’s too many DJ’s we see playing out that seem to be just playing for themselves and to impress other DJ’s “A DJ’s DJ if you get me” It really annoys us when they don’t seem to bother about the crowd what so ever.

Dale – At the end of the day a DJ is there to entertain a crowd and that means putting on a great performance, we of course have our own style but adapt to the venue.

How do you find the experience of playing out your own material? Does it change your perspective on the tune?

Chris – Without question, if there is one way to make sure a tune is right it’s playing it out.

Dale – Crowd response is everything, if it doesn’t cut it they will let you know about it! ;-)

When you are not producing or DJing, what else are you doing?

Dale – Arguing or watching football.

Chris – We both wish we could produce and DJ full time, but at the present with the state of the market this just isn’t possible, I work full time as CTO of a .com
and Dale currently is a part time University Lecturer in music composition and sound design. We are just in the process though of finally launching our own Record Label - Accord Records, so we are hoping to end up with enough work to make it possible for us full time.

What is the most memorable experience you have had whilst DJing and Producing?

Dale – DJing wise it would have to be crowd reaction to Deeper a few months back, watching the crow singing along to the track. Was a special moment.

Chris – In the studio I don’t think we can name just one memorable experience, but on the whole it has to be that moment when you play a finished track and it just brings a huge smile to your face.

Equally, what has been the worst experience?

Chris – On the DJing front, none to mention so far!

Dale – Producing wise, when moving down I lost weeks of tracks and ideas in a computer hardware failure. It’s the worse feeling, but I think it’s hard to find a producer who it hasn’t happen to.

What are your current top 3 tunes? And why?

1:Angelic – It’s My Turn (Corderoy Remix)
(A new dirty spin on a classic of old!!)

2: Endre vs. Jano Acta (Corderoy Remix)
(Massive atmospheric monster from Alex in Sweden the man behind Endre)

3: Corderoy - Deeper
(Because there is nothing wrong with a bit of shameless self promotion!!)

So, any chance of a sneak preview track-wise of what’s in store for the big gig at TRANCE GENERATION ?

Chris - Oh Yes, will be bringing in some big guns, that’s for sure.

Dale – Yeah some of the tracks will need to go on Weight Watchers before the gig they’re that fat!

Send an eFlyer for this event to a friend Include this Event in a Private Message Direct link to this Event
On: Friday 8th October 2004
At: The Soundshaft [map]

From: 10PM - 7AM
Cost: £10 (Early Bird), £13 (Advance Tickets), £15 (On The Door)
Ticket Info: Ticketweb
08700 600 100
Buy Online: Click here to buy tickets
More: Things just keep getting better and better for the increasingly credible Trance Generation as they return with another A-List lineup that edges on the more cutting edge side of trance.

Joining residents GARY RAMSDEN & EHREN STOWERS on the 8th is the killer combination of SCOTT BOND and MATT HARDWICK - back again for the first time together since April. Also making their London debut TG welcomes in form production outfits CORDEROY, ALBERT VORNE and B'JAMMIN.

Once again expect another sellout - which has seen TG open a second chillout/funky room featuring Cheeky People.


Region: London
Music: Trance. Euro Trance. Tech Trance. Nu NRG. House. Funky House. Vocal House.
DJ's: Scott Bond
Matt Hardwick
Gary Ramsden
Ehren Stowers
Albert Vorne
Neil Reynolds

Who's Going? (22) : Alex Collings, Baboon, bacardiocollio, bunnykins230, DJ Mat Lock, dj stretch, DJBjammin, Ehren Stowers, Gary Ramsden, karina69, matt88, Miss Piggy, PANIC ONE, Reece Elliot, rez, solus, Stev0b, Stevie, Tania Mann, the_thunderbird, tobytripledrop, Trancers 

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Other Features By Gary Ramsden:
History in the making for the global DIGITAL SESSIONS phenomenon
Trance Generation Preview - LANGE interview
Bora-Bora: Interview with Gee Moore
The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: josie on 28th Sep 2004 10:42.31
Really looking forward to TG... and nice interview Gary / Ehren (?)

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